Relieves abdominal pain - simple, spasmodic or with cramps
- Allays griping abdominal pain and provides carminative action
- Relieves flatulence and associated colic
- Improves digestion
- Prevents occurence of colic pain when given before feeding.
M.R.P. Rs. 100.00
Active Ingredients
- Argentum nitricum 5x 20mg
- Chamomilla 1x 30mg
- Cinchona officinalis 3x 20mg
- Cuprum aceticum 4x 20mg
- Foeniculum vulgare φ 50mg
- Lycopodium clavatum 3x 20mg
- Momordica balsamina 2x 20mg
- Tilia europaea 1x 20mg
Applied to globules 10mg

Argentum nitricum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Gastric pain and diarrhoea results from eating.
- Nausea and vomiting of glairy mucous are covered by this drug.

Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Infantile colic with flatulence (infant gaseous colic)
- Hypersensitivity to pain
- Restlessness together with dissatisfaction
- Child can only be quietened when carried aroun

Cinchona officinalis
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers flatulent colic, tympanitic abdomen, vomiting
- Slow digestion, stool frothy.

Cuprum aceticum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers violent spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen.

Foeniculum vulgare
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It allays griping pain and is carminative.
- It helps digestion, lowers flatulence and colic.

Lycopodium clavatum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Meteoritic tenseness, lack of digestive power
- Excessive accumulation of flatulence

Momordica balsamina
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Distension and rubbing in splenic flexure of colon.

Tilia europaea
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers bloated abdomen, pain around navel
Dossage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, in acute cases 2-5 globules every half hour. Once the symptoms are reduced, 3 globules 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear (to be given 15 minutes before feeding/food intake). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist
Side effects: No side effects of Colikind™ are known
Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Colikind™ are known
Interactions: No interactions between Colikind™ and other products are known
Presentation: Bottle of 10g of globules
You are not alone if your baby develops colic.
A few weeks after birth, lots of new mums or dads like you find that their baby will cry inconsolably for no apparent reason. Although distressing, this is just a stage that many healthy babies go through in their first few months. Naturally you will want to do what you can to ease your baby’s discomfort and help is at hand with Colikind®, specially developed to help you treat your baby’s colic safely and gently.
Infantile colic is very common in the first few months of life
Colic affects up to 40% of babies between the ages of one to four months.
It is not clear why babies develop colic, but it could be due to changes in their digestive tract as they start to develop. They could have problems digesting properly, producing too much gas, or be sensitive to one or more of the milk components.
Some babies might be generally more sensitive to their surroundings, especially if there is a lot going on around them.
As well as crying that is hard to console, your baby’s tummy might seem bloated, or there might appear to be some cramping. If your baby is crying for no apparent reason for more than a couple of hours a day on most days, check with the doctor.
The doctor will want to rule out any other conditions, such as infections or inflammations, but it is likely your baby simply has colic.
Providing the baby is feeding well, gaining weight, and is generally healthy there shouldn’t be any problems.
Infantile colic - common signs and symptoms
- intense, prolonged and inconsolable crying in a healthy baby
- abnormal irritability
- spasmodic cramping
- abdominal bloating
- baby's stomach is hard and distended with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists and an arched back
- sleeplessness / exhaustion
Infantile colic: Possible Treatments
Behavioural interventions:
- Decrease stimulation
- Offer an atmosphere of security (“calmness, closeness, cuddling”)
Physical interventions:
- Carrying / rocking / jiggling the baby
- Provide gentle warmth
- Try baby massage: gently massage the belly of your baby with two fingers in a clockwise circular motion
Dietary interventions:
- Try an hypoallergenic formula
- Adapt diet in breast-feeding mothers (e.g. avoid carbonated drinks / food which can cause flatulence / potential allergenic food)
- Consult your physician for lactase enzyme supplementation
- Change feeding practices
Pharmaceutical interventions:
- Simethicone
- Probiotics
Naturopathic interventions:
- Herbal teas (e.g. fennel) for mother and/or baby
- Homeopathic medicines such as e.g. Colikind®
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please find some useful answers to your questions as follows:
What is Colikind™ used for?
Colikind™ is indicated for the treatment of infantile colic and flatulence in babies and children.
What are typical symptoms of infantile colic?
- intense, prolonged and inconsolable crying in a healthy baby
- abnormal irritability
- spasmodic cramping
- abdominal bloating
- baby's stomach is hard and distended with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists and an arched back
- sleeplessness / exhaustion
What symptoms could point for a more serious disorder?
- poor weight gain
- high pitched, shrill cry (more sharp and more dramatic than usual)
- abnormal body temperature
- excessive vomiting (yellow-greenish-coloured, bloody)
- change in stools (constipation / diarrhoea with blood and/or mucus)
- permanent irritability (crying all day with only few calm periods in between)
- lethargy (excessive sleepiness, lack of smiles / interested gaze, weak sucking)
- sunken or bulging soft spot at the top of the head (i.e. anterior fontanelle)
What is the recommended dosage of Colikind™?
Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, in acute cases 2-5 globules every half hour. Once the symptoms are reduced, 3 globules 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear (to be given 15 minutes before food intake). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
For how long can I administer Colikind™ to my child?
Colikind™ is a safe and gentle homeopathic medicine which can be administered as long as symptoms persist. If your child is poorly responding to Colikind™ or if additional complaints arise, it is recommended to consult a physician.
What are possible side-effects of Colikind™?
Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, in acute cases 2-5 globules every half hour. Once the symptoms are reduced, 3 globules 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear (to be given 15 minutes before food intake). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
What are the contraindications of Colikind™?
No contra-indications for the use of Colikind™ are known.
Can Colikind™ be taken alongside other medication?
Yes, there is no problem to take Colikind™ in combination with other medication that have been prescribed by a physician or alternative practitioner. Interactions have not been observed.
What are the key benefits of Colikind™?
- developed especially for use in children
- suitable from birth
- safe and gentle with virtually no side-effects
- excellent tolerability
- clinically effective
- easy to take / administer:
- drops can be applied directly into the mouth or
- diluted in a little bit of water and administered with a plastic spoon
Where can you get Colikind™?
As Colikind™ is classified as a medicinal product, it is available from homoeopathic pharmacies. It is also made available from our website