Anekind™ for Anaemia and Related Problems

Effectively corrects anaemia by helping better absorption, production and maintenance of haemoglobin
- Improves absorption of iron
- Stimulates RBC production
- Helps in proper functioning of digestive system and is a good remedy for anaemia
- Takes care of associated symptoms like sunken face with livid spots
- Controls weakness, headache and lassitude due to anaemia
- Also useful in convalescence after debilitating disease
- Improves immune defence system.
M.R.P. Rs. 100.00
- Ferrum metallicum 4x 50mg
- Ceanothus americanus 4x 24mg
- Secale cornutum 6x 10mg
- Cinchona officinalis 8x 30mg
- Ginkgo biloba 4x 12mg
- Justicia adhatoda 4x 20mg
- Ergotinum 4x 30mg
- Nux Vomica 6x 24mg
Applied to globules 10mg
Proven indications
of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Ferrum metallicum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It is indicated for anaemia, febrile disturbances and inflammations.

Ceanothus americanus
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- This remedy has affinity to spleen and suits anaemic children where liver and spleen are at fault.

Secale cornutum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It is indicated for vertigo, cold extremities, debility, anxiety, emaciation, in children.

Cinchona officinalis
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Anaemia, vertigo, debility, nervousness, recurring illnesses, flatulence and belching are covered by this drug.

Ginkgo biloba
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It improves digestion and is used in pale, weak children complaining of sleeplessness, and respiratory problems.

Justicia adhatoda
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers catarrhal conditions of respiratory tract and other bronchial problems.

Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers lassitude, weakness, headache, and other symptoms arising out of anaemia.

Nux vomica
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It is a stomachic tonic and stimulates various organs
Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given to infants 1 globule 3 times a day and children 3 globules 3 times a day (preferably to be administered 15 minutes before meals). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects: No side effects of Anekind™ are known.
Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Anekind™ are known.
Interactions: No interactions between Anekind™ and other products are known.
Presentation: Bottle of 10g of globules
The anaemic baby is frequently fatigued, tends to be pale, may suffer from tachycardia, shows signs of physical weakness and very easily gets tired, effects which are caused by insufficient supply of oxygen to the organs and the tissues through the blood flow.
Anekind™ restores the iron levels in the blood which is the basic constituent of the haemoglobin contained in the red blood cells (designated to transport the oxygen from the lungs to the whole organism). At the same time it stimulates blood circulation and perfuses through the tissues guaranteeing a sufficient supply of oxygen for the maintenance of functional activity and metabolism of all the cells.
What is Anekind™ used for?
Anekind™ is used for Anemia and related problems.
What are typical symptoms of infantile Anekind™?
- General fatigue weakness on observation
- Pale skin.
- Shortness of breath.
- Strange cravings to eat items that aren't food, such as dirt, ice, or clay.
- Tongue swelling or sorenes
What is the recommended dosage of Anekind™?
Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given to infants 1 globule 3 times a day and children 3 globules 3 times a day (preferably to be administered 15 minutes before meals). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
What are possible side-effects of Anekind™?
No side effects of Anekind™ are known.
What are the contraindications of Anekind™?
No contra-indications for the use of Anekind™ are known.
Where can you get Anekind™?
As Anekind™ is classified as a medicinal product, it is available from homoeopathic pharmacies. It is also made available from our website