Schwabe India’s manufacturing plant – only one of its kind in the country

The plant, the only one of its kind in the country, deploys the best technological know how available in the world today. The company imparts high grade training to its employees in the original German homoeopathic formulations, while respecting the local legal frame work. State-of-the-art Technology Schwabe's commitment ‘No Compromise with Quality’ and the meticulous efforts put in during the planning stage are well reflected in their Indian plant. As stated elsewhere in this website, a lot of emphasis has been laid on cleanliness, and bacteria and dust free environment. To reduce contamination, the structure is so designed that every accessory like air conditioning, electrical supply, hot water, cold water, DM water and distilled water required in the manufacturing area come through the technical floor which is just above but separate from the manufacturing area. The technical floor has Air Handling Units (AHUs), many of which are dedicated for the production area only. Fresh air changes take place frequently in each Air Handling Unit. The production area has "Epoxy" flooring and rounded corners to prevent dust particles from settling on the floor. High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA Filters) have also been installed in the plant to ensure total bacterial elimination in the filling area. This facility, apart from use of genuine raw materials, back potencies and Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) makes Schwabe India dilutions superior to other dilutions in the market. The plant has its own water distillation unit to meet its total requirements. There is also a de-mineralised water plant which provides up to 10,000 litres of water per day. To avoid microbial growth in stagnant water, this water is kept under constant circulation.
Quality control - committed to produce the highest quality
A quality assurance laboratory checks the quality of all our raw materials and packing materials and the finished products. All incoming herbs and other raw materials are tested for their pharmacopoeial requirements and are compared with authentic preserved samples that are used as set samples. Cutting edge technology is used to assure quality control. For instance Thin Layer Chomatographic test is conducted on all mother tinctures and basic substances, including CoTLC and Co-run UV scan wherever required. Schwabe's instrumental analytical laboratory is one of the most highly sophisticated ones in the country, which helps to maintain high standards of quality expected of leaders in this business. Schwabe India has a well equipped microbiological set up. It maintains a team of highly qualified technical staff including experts in homoeopathy to constantly guide and advise on the various aspects of homoeopathic manufacture and quality control. The unit is also linked to our German R&D and manufacturing unit via internet.
Finished Goods Warehouse - Better service through prompt order execution
Unlike other warehouses in the country, Schwabe India's warehouse is totally air conditioned with extensive racking system, providing distinct zones for each product. The total inventory in the store is computer controlled.