About Dr. Willmar Schwabe

In the middle of the 19th century homoeopathic preparations were in great demand. The preparations of those days were manufactured by pharmacists which varied in quality, sometimes even of questionable quality. A German pharmacist, Dr. Willmar Schwabe (1839 – 1917), one of the pioneers in homoeopathy, was so dissatisfied with this situation that he had the motive action to set quality standards for the production of homoeopathic medicines. His work and commitment have been a binding legacy for Schwabe Group up to the present day. In 1866, two years after his qualification as a pharmacist, he founded his own company "Homöopatische Centralofficin Dr. Willmar Schwabe" (Central Homoeopathic Dispensary Dr. Willmar Schwabe). The foundation of this company was to become a milestone in medical history. He developed analytical methods and defined pharmaceutical technical processes for homoeopathic drug materials. He introduced quality controls and organised the cultivation of medical plants. In accordance with his stringent quality criteria, homoeopathic preparations were produced. More than 700 regional dispensaries distributed throughout Germany, Europe and all over the world were added to the original "Centralofficin" in Leipzig. Having inaugurated the first homoeopathic policlinic in Leipzig, Schwabe started his activities in the fields of health and social politics. In 1866 he founded a publishing house specialising in literature for both the medical profession and the public.
In 1872, he produced the standard work for homoeopathic pharmaceuticals – the "Pharmacopoea Homoeopathica Polyglottica", which gave minutely detailed instructions on the production of homoeopathic medicines. It was another milestone in homoeopathy. Soon, Schwabe´s work gained world-wide recognition and was translated into many languages. In 1934, a new edition was published as the official "Deutsches Homöopatisches Arzneibuch" (German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia), which is now incorporated into the homoeopathic section of the official German Pharmacopoeia.
Through out his life, the main aim of Dr. Willmar Schwabe was to provide high quality homoeopathic medicines by standardising the industrial production with modern analytical technologies as well as strictly adhering to the rules laid down by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy. To quote Dr. Willmar Schwabe: "I have founded an institution of my own which examines every homoeopathic remedy for genuineness and purity and which sets standards for its quantity, the content, effectiveness and characteristics of the substances".
With each following generation, Schwabe group continued to grow. The values of the founder, reliability, innovation, quality and responsibility, still guide the company’s evolution. These are the principles on which our success is based. DHU dynamically entered the international self-medication segment (OTC – Over The Counter) and constantly increased its focus and presence in this segment, setting the pace for natural remedies and creating a standard for a caring, gentle, yet effective cure. Maximum quality and a wide, market tailored product range contribute to the success of the company in Germany and in over 40 countries worldwide.
Schwabe in India
The growing Indian market for Schwabe products necessitated to establish a manufacturing facility in India with the aim to provide standard quality products at affordable Indian price. Schwabe remedies had a long tradition in India. Homoeopaths in India have used and continue to use Schwabe formulations based on their deep faith in the quality of its medicines. In fact our first order from India was raised over a century back. A state-of-the-art manufacturing plant was established in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, which started its operations in 1997.
Schwabe India's Product Portfolio - A wide range for homoeopaths
Since the inauguration of the factory of Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. in April 1997, a large product range has been introduced in India. Keeping in mind the requirements of practising homoeopaths, Schwabe India offers today a wide product range as following:
- Close to 500 mother tinctures
- More than 1100 dilutions in different potency levels
- 96 drugs in different LM potency
- 80 Low Attenuation Trituration Tablets
- All 12 biochemic medicines in 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x and 200x in 20 gm and 550 gm packs
- 28 internationally established Biocombinations and Five Phos 3x & 6x in 20 gm and 550 gm packs
- Alfalfa Tonic for general weakness, nervous tension, and stress
- Alfalfa Tonic for Diabetics
- Alfalfa Tonic for Children
- Alpha range for day-to-day common ailments
- Pentarkan range of products for the management of complex problems
- Kindi range, specially formulated for common day-to-day ailments in children
- Topi range of topical creams/gels for common day-to-day problems
- 1x tablets range for lifestyle ailments
- Other Specialities range for problems like heart disease, obesity, blood pressure, menopause etc.